
Set & costume design for Raymond Gubbay and Royal Albert Hall 2000. Directed by David Freeman.

 "It looks very handsome indeed this latest Raymond Gubbay / Royal Albert Hall promotion... David Roger's set design, based on detailed on-site research, makes the spectacle possible: an elaborate floor cloth inspired by a ceiling in the temple of Dendera, a double row of sphinxes... a brilliantly devised space for the director David Freeman to marshall his cast of nearly 150." The Times
"The now-experienced director- designer team of Freeman and Roger have devised a scenic framework for this most monumental of operas that would have satisfied the Egyptologists in Verdi... Roger supplies two scene stealing statues of Immense Ptah, the god of creation... exquisitely detailed props and atmospheric lighting give this Aida a visual distinction unequalled by any other London production in recent memory." The Sunday Times

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